The Your Birth Experience Difference

Your Birth Experience (YBE) is not a method of childbirth, rather it is a system designed to inspire individuals to CONNECT with what is most important to them, IDENTIFY their needs, and become EQUIPPED to create memories they will cherish for a lifetime.

I found that if particular factors were present, women are more likely to feel long-term satisfaction. These factors have more to do with the way they conduct themselves and the way they are treated than with the actual clinical features of their labor.
— Penny Simkin, PT

Elements that Make YBE Unique

We focus on you

While "natural childbirth" or "evidence-based information" may have held the answers for others you know, your path will look different because YOU are different. By exploring guided visualization, 5 aspects of control, individual needs based on personality styles, and availability bias in medical decision-making, we are able to help you identify what birthing options will feel most gratifying to you.

Gone are the days of "hee-hee-hoo" breathing and cookie cutter coping techniques. We take a fresh look at nutrition, exercise, writing a birth plan, body balance and relaxation so you can prepare in ways that actually work for you!

You Focus on the essentials

Even the "experts" don't know everything, and you shouldn't feel like you have to become one in order to have a positive birth experience. The most predictable thing about childbirth is its unpredictability! If you understand the essential components of the birth process, we can equip you with tools to help you learn in the moment and have confidence to go with the flow of expected and unexpected variations.

Parents get to choose how they learn best: Self-Study, Online Classroom or In-Person Class with YBE Childbirth Educator.

How the YBE Curriculum is Different


1. envisioning your experience

  • Use guided visualization to release fear and stress, increase confidence and focus on what you really want.
  • Create a vision statement to focus on your unique goals and desires, regardless of delivery or parenting style.
  • Discover how your innate personality and decision-making style impact your birth, breastfeeding and baby experience.


2. understanding the process

  • Learn about physiological childbirth, the essentials of breastfeeding and new baby needs.
  • Discover all variations of normal for pregnancy all the way to infancy.
  • Understand the who, what, where, when and why of the stages, hormones and emotions of labor.
  • Learn helpful hints of how to provide support for women in labor.


3. preparing for what matters

While YBE doesn't focus on one right method or philosophy, we do help parents prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the birth, breastfeeding and baby experience.  

We believe that the baby portion of Your Birth Experience encompasses so much more than just learning baby needs. The new parents best generic levitra overnight are an equal portion to the equation of proper postpartum care.




4. understanding your options

  • Un-biased and evidence-based information about options and interventions in labor and birth, common newborn procedures, breastfeeding and the early postpartum period.  
  • Workbook-style sections covering "What it Is," "What You Need to Know," and "Your Choices," with check boxes for you to personalize your preferences and choices about your care.

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5. communicating your preferences

  • Helpful tips for communicating with any care provider.
  • Birth, breastfeeding and postpartum plan checklists to discuss options with your or your baby's care provider.
  • Concise preferences/birth and postpartum plan templates to improve communication with your support team.

I absolutely love being able to offer YBE classes to my clients. It’s fun and easy to teach and really helps me get to know my clients and their birth goals better. And my clients love that they can get all of their needs met in one place. Because this curriculum is fully customizable, they receive exactly what they want without wasting time in a class that doesn’t apply to them—I love being able to give that to them!
— Megan Gaspar, Childbirth Educator